The crescent moon winks above my fingertips.
I gasp in heart-expansive delight.
The New Moon in Gemini is here, a blooming celestial jewel in the summer evening sky.
Seeing that crescent moon is like seeing a soulmate.
There’s a click of resonance, like two puzzle pieces coming together to create one shape, a swift return to embodied presence, an elevation of freed-up energy as I commit fresh awareness into my Warrior I pose. I root my feet into the textured yoga mat, elongate my spine and shine my heart up. The crescent moon blesses my Warrior I pose.
The New Moon in Gemini coquettishly smiles, and conspiratorially bats her eyes. I welcome that glittery playfulness, that trickster magic-maker, that wordsmith who is understands the deep enlightened power of humor, of lightheartedness, of levity.
Come, bless me now, Gemini Moon.
Let us begin again, and let’s begin again here, in this Warrior I pose.
Here, I am committed and devoted and grounded and reaching up, and wash away the efforting so I can soften into the strength already present, the courage already here, the faith already established.
The work is in showing up, the work is in opening my palms to let life as it is, as it is wisely meant to be, river through and around me.
Let me trust the soil, the soil of my foundation, let me trust myself, and let me trust the power of my gentleness, my innate Gemini-bright intelligence, my wicked sense of humor, too.
And as I take whole-body breaths underneath the crescent moon, I send up an ask to this New Moon in Gemini, this social butterfly Zodiac sign, the traveler, the trickster, the comedically enlightened communicator. Let me speak from my heart. Let my communication, my expression, the words spoken and the ones left unspoken that radiate out through my energy, let them flow with ease from a heart-center vibrant and attuned. Help me to know my heart, to befriend the inner child who is waiting to be seen, help me to know the sacredness of my no so I can live by the breath-aligning beauty of my yes.
This is the path of the courageous warrior – the courage to be open-hearted, especially toward myself, as we journey through intensity, polarity, the breaking down to create anew. This is the promise of a New Moon in Gemini. To let communication be clear, concise, confident in the calm waters of the shimmering, all-knowing and ready-to-hold-it-all heart.
I bask in moonbeams. I hold the pose until it’s time to release, let go. To trust that what was whispered up to the moon was heard, seen, acknowledged, mostly by me, by the part of myself that is journeying forward, that desires only heart-connection, like-hearted relationships, heart-spoken truths. Simply asking shows growth. Permission has been granted to identify and vocalize the desire, to water the seed with my own allowing.
To trust the aspect of myself that is a reflection of that flowering Gemini moon. My expression can be one of heart-ease, of a warrior’s strength to be soft, rooted and flowing.
Lift up to the Gemini moon. Let her see you, and she absolutely adores being seen. She’ll enjoy your company, be intrigued by what is on your heart, and let your heart speak, because the moon knows how to listen, and in the speaking, you will be reminded that you know how to listen and answer the desires and yearnings of your soul, of your blooming self, too.