My liberation is embodied.
My freedom shines and flows like golden light through a nervous system regulated, soothed, tended to with gentle and persistent friendliness.
My liberation steadily breathes through challenge, tension, triggers, ensuring internal safety no matter what the external scene may be.
My freedom feels into the soul-wisdom of the feet, greets the morning with a self-embrace, and concludes the day with favorite frames: snapshots from the day revisited in affectionate appreciation.
My liberation massages rose oil into wrists, drinks bulletproof coffee out of teacups, purposefully pauses and presses a loving and listening hand into the brilliant heart of the belly and motherly inquires with deep tenderness, “What do you wish to eat today?”
My freedom drops social media, all political identifications, and all my history. Nothing outside of me, including former past selves, defines me and dictates my actions. Only this now-moment, with this dancing dynamic of inhalations merging with exhalations and exhalations emptying into inhalations informs the direction of my spirited aliveness.
My liberation does not want to fix my body, my complexion, my lines like sun rays around my eyes. My liberation does not want to dominate my body in any way. The fixing, or the thinking there is anything that needs to be fixed, is the tear that causes the suffering.
My liberation loves me when I do not love myself. Like the in-breath expanding to hold all, the presence of freedom circles around my critique, my harshness, my hurtful thinking that deceives me into entertaining the thought that I am separate. My liberation reminds me that I am supported, connected, right on time.
My liberation aligns my spine and welcomes me home into the holy human heart.
This is my heart-centered homecoming.
As soon as I soften and befriend this experience of being a human I return to my body, allow and accept my body to be Her wise and wild self (and this lush and total acceptance is where love grows), and this acceptance exhales me into the waters of my heart.
Here I hear my divinity.
Here I hear the soul-calls like the crescendos of crashing and overlapping waves.
Here I blink my human eyes to refocus and gaze with the eyes of the heart.
Here I see you.
Here I see you in your humanity and your divinity.
Here I witness your liberation.
I see my beloveds as FREE, JOYOUS, EMBODIED in their true BEAUTY, and cheer on the rooted expansion of their light.
FREEDOM beams as my core value. And unconditional love is freedom. Joy is an expression of freedom. Beauty blooms from freedom.
Freedom. Joy. Beauty.
These three values are the nectar sweetening my evolution, and here, I present them as invitations to you – the freedom, the joy, the beauty of your own embodied sovereignty.
To sing the song you are destined to sing, not through doing, but through being.
I think of the whales that majestically swim through our oceans, of their harmonious frequency that echoes through the depths and ripple through the collective web of the sea. We are like that. When we choose to live out our liberation, through our embodied presence, through our energy, we contribute to this song of peace, serenity, connected wellbeing.
Here is another invitation to re-remember, too.
There is a full moon in Libra on Saturday, April 16th, a lunation that celebrates all the growth we have done in our relationships within the past six months, and particularly the remarkable and sacred relationship we have with ourselves. Here that full force flower of a moon illuminates the self-love we continuously liberate ourselves into emanating from our embodied sovereignty.
I will be howling for you, for me, for this gorgeous planet we share. And this howl will also be a lifting to moonlight of OFFERINGS: An INVITATION!
Because Loves, I am now in Spring, and am ready to once again teach and to flow forward with teachings that really make my heart sparkle. If you feel inspired and intrigued, my website has been spring refreshed and I will be teaching an online movement and writing session and have a few improv offerings, too.
Freedom, joy, beauty infuse how I teach as energetic reminders that you can flow this way, too.
These dreams you cherish, the ones that tease the edges of your sleep, I encourage you to trust their seasonal intelligence, trust their timing, trust the howls of your heart and release them to the listening moon.
She and I are honored to witness and hear the unique song of your freedom, of your embodied liberation.