The moon is half-full. And my heart brims full of dreams.
The half-full moon sees the completeness and readiness of these creative expressions that are desiring to bloom.
She beckons me to move forward, to initiate one step, to release the ideas into a full-fledged existence.
Bloom. Bloom. Bloom.
The Lunar Queen sings my spirit-word to me … bloom.
And the half-full moon is like the creative projects I carry in my womb. The visions have had to grow and ripen. I’ve had to become the woman, the mothering creatrix, I was meant to be to give creative birth to these expressions and these evolutions of writings.
Bloom in the dark. Bloom under the winter moon.
These are teachings earlier from the spring when a counselor said to trust my own timing, to keep moving forward, and stillness, loves, is moving forward too.
Under the maidenly luminescent gaze of the half-full moon, all of this year’s reroutes, the cancelled trips, the departure from programs, all those aggravating disappointments and frustrated mishaps reshape into a peaceful knowing: I am right where I am supposed to be.
And that’s standing outside the garage, by the recycling bin, clutching a cardboard box, awing over the moon. The neighbor’s back-porch bistro lights slightly sway in tune with the towering pines that line our backyard fence. My feet are bare and my hair tousled by the wind. Geese call to one another to the dark.
I am listening. To the spontaneous flock of geese, to the counsel of the half-full moon that reflects my heart’s nudges to create what is ready to bloom.
And in the flutter of fear, the excitement of anticipation, there is also this … this lovely enoughness of the looking up and being seen by that moon. To be where I am, on the edge, in the deciding, to enjoy the creative process, and to love and accept the wholeness of who I am here and now, too.
We are always whole in our holy human journey.
We may forget. I do. But then the moon reminds me that we do move through our phases, and each phase has a wisdom to teach.
The half-full moon encourages the next step, to continue to nourish the blooming.
And yet, I also know that the moon is always full, always whole. It’s a celestial dance and one that I am a part of, one that we are all a part of. We are whole and always evolving.
Always blooming.
And dearest readers, please kindly stay tuned … I’ll be offering a Winter Solstice Eve meditation and an announcement is on the horizon about where my writings now feel called to reside and spiritedly shine. I’m all heartbeats of thanks for all the gorgeous support. I’m soulfully thankful for your reading, your listening, your journeying with my words. Your presence means the world. Shimmering thanks!