It all starts with natural toothpaste.
This holistic health journey begins when I consciously choose a new brand from Whole Foods.
I read a blog post by Maryam Hasnaa, an enlightening intuitive, about fluoride affecting the quality of the third eye, that center for inner sight, and I switch.
With ease, with a harmoniously flowing nervous system.
I’m not striving to look a certain way, and this is key. There’s calm in this choice, and a subtle stirring of excitement about how do I want to feel and how do I want to support the thriving of my body?
This is a subtle and profound shift. For me.
I’ve been so scared of my body. I grew up frightened of her. And in my twenties, squandered so much precious life-force trying to fix her. Hurting her.
Here’s what I want to share … I could be popping all the supplements, drinking all the filtered water, eating organic, practicing yoga and meditating daily, but if I’m doing this from a vibration of fear, of scarcity, of a dysregulated nervous system in high-alert, threat-mode, of attempting to dominate and control my body, then the possible impact for truly nurturing wellness will be diluted, and in some cases, backfire.
Right out of college, I read a book about the toxins existing in makeup and products. That frightened and upset me … and I forged an identity around not using those mainstream products, but I ended up picking up “natural” products that I had painful allergic reactions to … now looking back and knowing New German Medicine, I understand that an allergic reaction on the skin is an Attack Conflict.
I was attacking myself, energetically, and not utilizing the intuition and discernment available to me when I drop in and get quiet and simply ask my body, ask my skin, if this is aligned for me. Muscle testing is also revealing!
It’s been a decade or so since that last fear-induced health kick.
I am a different woman now.
I move at the pace of nature.
I make unhurried decisions, and I also, turn within to ask the health questions instead of turning to outer experts.
No one knows my body like I do.
My life-force has taken up residence sacred here. I can chat with my kidneys, commune with my small intestine and gossip with my vagina anytime.
And when/if I need extra support, I ask my body who to go to … because for me, the healing can only happen when I feel safe and cared for in the loving arms of that particular practitioner. And I only go to practitioners who believe in the body’s natural capacity to heal, restore and revitalize. That’s my flow.
So … with the toothpaste … it was an ease-filled decision. Simple. And it illuminated the start of my health journey, a new health journey that bloomed from excitement, from a peaceful desire to nourish and care the brilliance that is the body, that is my female body.
Over the past few years, I’ve intentionally spiraled inward into the home of my body, curious and attentive and have explored the echo of numerous healing modalities … from sound healing to Qiqong, from chanting to emotional freedom technique, from jade egg practices to lifting weights, from intuitive eating to free dancing, and I’ve done so lightly.
The nervous system likes supportive fun, expands with gentle-natured playfulness, likes that doable step, which will lead to three or so years of lots of little changes that have created a whole new lifestyle.
So it’s with heart-full excitement that I share a few of my most favorite holistic practices and products. We’re now in February, one of my most beloved months, and I’m all in the swoony mood to write about self-adoration, sensational wellbeing, vibrant embodiment, and happy vaginas.
Please take what I offer as a springboard for your own replenishing review of what products and nurturing practices align with you and amplify the magical life-force that is YOU.
Breathe and center before you read, you’re rooted within your own vibrancy. There’s nothing to fix, nothing to prove, and if something winks at you, like that natural toothpaste did for me, how cool that you received that insight and now we flow on with a presentation of a few of my most favorite holistic things. . . .
:: Award-Winning Products For Happy & Healthy Vaginas ::
~Jade Egg Salonette, online, self-paced program to physically and energetically awaken and activate pelvic floor strength :: My most juicy share comes first, naturally. I’ve been name-dropping Kim Anami into my all conversations (from standing in a buffet line with new acquaintances at a wedding reception to hanging out with the family in front of a cheery Christmas fire) for the last six-months, because her work has been and continues to be THAT transformative. The jade egg practice is like an ancient form of kegels, only effective and self-enlightening. It originates from Taoist Philosophy that asserts our liberated sexual energy can be harnessed for self-actualization. That’s a whole-body YES for me.
~Thunderpants, Organic Cotton Underwear made in the USA and designs by USA artists :: I believe that adorning cute and conscientious underwear sparks confidence.
~Hannah Pads, Organic, sustainable pads and hygiene products for healthy periods :: Menstrual health is overall health. I’m a woman who reveres her period – only the BEST for my nearest and dearest lady friends. Hannah Pads has deepened and nurtured my own beautiful, empowered self-intimacy.
:: Skin-CARE ::
~Dr. Bronner’s Organic White Kernel Virgin Coconut Oil :: Nature’s lotion-potion. My skin glows in gratitude.
~Aztec Secret, Indian Healing Clay Mask :: To honor Venus’s Day, aka Friday, I ritualize self-care and self-pamper by painting my face lime green with this all natural calcium bentonite clay.
:: An Elevated Morning Routine ::
~MUD\WTR :: It’s true … this coffee-lover has switched to savoring this morning brew of organic chai, cocoa, and a host of mushrooms. I sprinkle in a pinch of monk fruit to sweeten, stir with a teaspoon and soften in to enjoy a hot tonic that energizes me naturally and keeps me feeling steady and peaceful throughout the day. Curiously, ever since drinking MUD\WTR I’ve started dreaming again, epic and sweeping dreams, too. This company is also super dreamy, too. Just read their Mission Statement … it will caffeinate your hope in and for humanity.
~Living Libations, Holistic Oral Care :: I look forward to brushing my teeth with the Frankincense toothpaste and swishing with the Mint & Myrrh Oil serum.
:: Kiss, Kiss … Dreamy Makeup & Fine Fragrance Products
That Are Organic Bliss ::
“I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.” Audrey Hepburn, I wholeheartedly agree! So when it comes to makeup, let’s nourish that happy glow with companies that care about our healthy, inner glow, and utilize clean and safe ingredients in their artistic play of products.
~Henry Rose, Organic Fine Fragrance from the celebrity, Michelle Pfeiffer :: Michelle’s Environmental Working Group Verified perfumes take center stage. I’m crushing on “Char” and “Torn.”
Erez Perez, aloe vera gel for eyelashes and eyebrows :: An easy and breezy, all-natural way to style up brows and give eyelashes a skyward lift.
Living Libations, Raven Maven Mascara :: Fluttering my lavish darlings right now …