The waning moon wondrously winks from a clear blue sky.
The moon exquisitely exhales into the dawn of 2021 and at the sight of this cyclic emptying, I feel energized in possibilities.
The receding lunar tide renews a commitment to my spirit word: MAGIC.
I choose my spirit word or my spirit word chooses me on my birthday eve. During my 29th year, my spirit-word kindness transformed my life, like magic. And so for my 30th year, magic rises and shines forward to take the lead in expansive lessons and love-lit awakenings.
Magic manifests in ritually, reverently waking up to the wonders, the affections, the simple joys breathing here – the streams of sunlight, the rose-hued glass cradling the cappuccino, the playful company of sisters.
Magic manifests in rewriting spells of thoughts and narratives to be heart-centered, to be freeing, forgiving, inclusive and kind.
Magic manifests in feeling at home, so luxuriously at home, in my own skin, in my own sensitivity, in tuning into and trusting my own spirit-led guidance.
And in spirit-led guidance, as I review the past six months into my journey with magic, I let the light of awareness splash into the shadows, into the corners of life that do not feel like me.
I rumble with the question: How can this relationship, this aspect of my life shift into authentically reflecting and truly harmonizing with my own energy?
And living a life that honestly mirrors and magnifies my values and my truth radiates in MAGIC.
And what beliefs and fears to hold that are dimming this magic?
Here’s the work of granting myself radical permission to receive the sweetness that life offers.
Here’s the work of transparency – revealing my dreams and hopes and hurts and disappointments to myself and to my loved ones.
Here’s the work of unconditionally befriending myself and bravely clarifying how I want to feel in my day-to-day life and honoring my worth enough to receive those higher vibrational feelings of joy, inclusion, kindness, forgiveness, freedom, creativity.
This is the work of following the nudge, the gut pull toward the unknown. And here the unknown is releasing social media, bidding it a grand adieu because I prefer to relate, to respond, to rewrite a circle of connection with kindred spirits through a newsletter, through a lunette sharing that travels through different platforms – some apparent and some yet-to-be-seen.
The moon releases gradually, and so I unfold, unclench, unravel gradually, too. The work of a year stretching into a lifetime to discover and dare to show our uniqueness, our authentic presence, which shimmers like magic, an alchemy that activates others to shed the veils and appear as they are.
So the morning moon wanes to signal a review of what needs to fall away so the magic can shine even more brightly and wholesome and true.