Free-birth catalyzes my embodied awakening.
I stumble across Kim Anami’s, Orgasmic Enlightenment podcast about free-birthing and I am set free.
What is a free-birth?
A woman who gives birth all by herself.
No doctor, no mid-wife, no doula … no medical intervention, just a woman so embodied that she is trusting and moving with her divine instincts.
I am reborn.
This is my rebirth that is a re-remembering.
This is the ecstatic vision that is my reality and will be my future when I deliver my daughters.
Because birth is meant to be orgasmic.
The brutal nightmare that is the medical-industrial-complex has wickedly deceived us into accepting that birth is an emergency. Mainstream culture has continued to perpetuate this distorted conditioning with horrific birth scenes in TV and movies.
That is not my reality.
I reject that sickness, that abuse, that crumbs-only, mediocre at best, existence. I reject that fear-governed thinking and that I need a doctor to play god with my body.
Free will is my inherent right.
I get to choose. I choose differently. I choose a future that is a reflection of the past. Of a New Earth enlivened with ancient knowing, where my medicine is in orgasms and emotional freedom and dancing and sunbathing naked. I choose this holy instant to be all that I am and could ever be.
I want to be that woman.
I want to be THAT embodied and in full fierce expression of trusting and softening into my instincts and that receptive that I can climax as the portal between this world and the next opens in and through me.
I want to free-birth my children into the world, and this vision of my tomorrow is a re-remembering of all the women who came before me. Somewhere, along the line of my ancestry, are the women who lived in harmony with their menstrual cycle, who had periods that were pain-free and poignant with profound insights, who had orgasmic births, who had sacred sex with men fully embodied in their divine masculinity. Women who embraced the wisdom of their age with complete confidence in their joy-sketched faces. They are me. I am them. I am being reborn.
I want to be that woman.
She is my new normal.
I want to be that woman who has shed the indoctrination that people outside of her know better than she does. No one is an expert on my body. I live in my body. I know my body.
Or at least, I am beginning to befriend her.
I am learning that she is nothing to fear.
I am returning to a beauty that comes from breath-flowing aliveness, from an enjoyment felt by simply embodying the skin I am in. I am finding instant epiphanies with Terrain Theory and New German Medicine.
I take radical responsibility for my health and experience the greatest healing.
I am softening into my femininity, I am finding my security and my safety in embodying my femininity. My pleasure is my power. My happiness ensures my health. My period is my monthly health check. My sexuality is my innocence. My day-to-day life centers on elevation, on ascension.
I want to be that woman who free-births, whose instincts remained un-severed despite the cruel and persistent attempts from a sick society run by big pHARMa.
I am reborn into the hands of the women before me, who have been waiting to catch and cradle me and call me to step forward in courage.
The courage to be authentic, expressed, fully embodied in my goddess-essence has been reborn. I am the mother who can turn toward my inner child, the one who I’ve been tending to for the past two years, and I say, “There’s no need to people-please bullies to stay safe. You are safe because I have you.”
I am safe because I am now me.
For most of my life, I’ve stayed half-hidden. I’ve never been fully expressed. I tucked away my spirituality, my femininity, my intelligence, my voice. Once a medium told me that no man had ever rejected me because no man had ever known me … and I didn’t know myself, either. And then March 2020 unfolded and I questioned everything, and I knew nothing was what it seemed and the conviction that blazed in my core was the strongest force I had ever felt, it clarified and purified everything.
This is now where I live.
Because a friend, who weathered the storm, who said I’ll be there when you get to the other side of that desert, that inner terrain where the ego must die so the flower essence can bloom, and she said, “Listen when you talk about the c-v!d, when you talk about the human right violations, notice how your voice changes? This is how you need to be with everything.”
That unfiltered, that unwavering, that fierce in instinct. The woman who will free-birth her daughters. The woman who is willing to die to be reborn into who I truly am.
I am at peace with my own death, for she is natural, and is my one guarantee. A return to the tomb transformed back to the womb. I came in knowing that I would die. So let me be reborn so I can live.
I am afraid of the un-lived life. I am afraid of living a life fashioned to be likable to the people I use to see on social media … the ones who rant about changing the system and yet, so nicely obey and comply with the system. The people I use to know enthusiastically whored out their bodies, and therefore, the bodies of children, and the bodies of mothers birthing dead babies, whose breast milk now runs greenish-blue.
If we do not have bodily sovereignty, we are slaves to the dictating whims of the government, subjects to the state, to the medical-industrial cartel, which has a death-legacy of murders and butchered bodies.
That is not my reality. That is not my future. And that is not the future of my children.
I have woken up in the middle of the night terrified that I will remain half-hidden, that I will not step out, but perhaps this not about stepping out but more about staying rooted as I radiate and rise. This is the way of the feminine. To not have to rush forward, but to be exquisite in being, to be magnetic in vibrant stillness, to exude innate radiance, which is the capacity to let go and let life-force energy love through me.
Trust my own nature, my own divine nature, my own flow of divine nature … this is the free-birth.
This is my free-birth.
I prepare my womb.
My life is honeyed.
My body adored and uninterrupted in her pristine, elegant majesty of cycles and rhythms and systems too complex to ever be scientifically studied.
I have birthed myself anew.
Here is a liberated embodied woman who rooted in her NO to mandates, masks, experimental jabs, who trusted her body, who let her former life die in a blessing that ensured my daughters will have DNA not corrupted with medical technology but with my own conviction to stay free and to live free and to know that the body is a perfect universe of health, it’s all in the mind.
And I choose differently.
Free-birth: A woman who gives birth on her own, in her own authority.
And a woman who experiences a brilliant orgasm when she does deliver a baby or two.
Are you shocked and in disbelief because it shatters everything we’ve been sold and enslaved to believe?
Or are you like me and you breathe more deeply and feel more liberated in a truth, in a vision, you realize now you were so deeply and tenderly holding.
A truth of what life is meant to be held in your cells from your once-upon-a-time liberated truly human ancestry.
Life here is meant to be glorious.
That’s my reality.
That’s my liberation, and she is calling me.
And if you feel that liberating call too, then I’m wholeheartedly recommend listening to Kim Anami’s Orgasmic Enlightenment podcast episodes:
*“Intuitive Birth: Trusting Yourself and The Divine"