Replenishment. Inspiration. Ease.
This is the energetic vibe of the upcoming movement, meditation and musing workshop, Body Writes: Nourishing The Inner Spring.
Twinkle lit gardens. Ancient libraries cradled by even older trees. Luxurious baths bubbling with rose petals and Epsom salts.
This is the vibe of Body Writes, Nourishing The Inner Spring.
Poetry read as prayer. Dancing done as prayer. Love letters written by Self to Self as prayer.
This is the vibe of Body Writes, Nourishing The Inner Spring.
This creative offering shimmers as my new spring.
This is my emergence from a two-year winter that reset my nervous system, that redesigned how I lived and loved and what I instructed and how I taught.
This winter beckoned me down into the earthly depths to contemplate and hibernate with the truest seeds of my heart’s desires. This inner winter strengthened my capacity for joy, to be expressive and embodied in my joy, to allow myself to say YES to the passions that light me up. Because yes, it does get to be this easy.
I move forward from this inner winter into a spring where I get to practice and put into motion all that I have learned, to practice what I teach.
I honor my body’s needs and my energy levels as I work. My creative energy naturally abounds in the early morning. So I collaborate with my muse then. My work is potent and efficient, focused and flowing. This is the new paradigm shift. This is the vibe.
I spirit-sense that the embodied ease in which I work is the ease infused in the creative offering’s DNA structure.
How we do the work is the work, as the ones-in-the-know like to say.
And so, please let me say, with a sparkling water at hand and a lush wonderland of green outside my window and wind chimes playing with the breeze, that this work took seed and bloomed with soul-lit joy, fun-spiritedness, and grounded heart-centeredness.
Yes, Loves, it does get to be this easy.
And I share because sharing is medicine. I share because I’ve been witness to others stories from the new paradigm. Here, embodied ease and surrender and trust shapes and propels great work, the high-frequency work that serves the rooted and rising consciousness of humanity and nourishes the giver in the process, too.
The era of burnout and busyness and constant production for the sake of production concludes.
The era of body-befriended business, radical rest and cyclical production arrives now.
This is the vibe.
I trust that the work will be completed all in right timing.
I trust that my words will land for the kindred souls who are ready to receive them.
I trust that I am of service by simply and profoundly answering the call of my heart.
I trust my expression of joy. I trust that being lit-up, right here and right now as I write to you, serves the world’s healing and continued evolutionary rise.
These are the nutrients found in the soil upon which I teach. You are invited to come and root and rise with me in Body Writes, Nourishing Inner Spring.
And if this vibe resonates with you, explore the below link for details and registration on the upcoming movement, meditation and musing virtual workshop.
Our gathering is happening next Saturday, May 14th from 10am-12pm Eastern Standard Time on the Zoom, where we can be in our own sacred space and in shared community. (Please dress comfy, have a journal, and I’ll happily be sending out a reminder and link a few days before.)
Proceeds will benefit GreenHouse17, a nonprofit organization that serves and uplifts survivors of domestic violence. I had the incredible honor of working for GreenHouse17 in my twenties, and this is where I saw “how you do the work is the work” put into compassionate action by the heart-leaders and healers who serve there.
Soul-lit YES: Click here for Body Writes, Nourishing Inner Spring