My golden retriever has passed over the rainbow bridge. In my grief, I return to softening, to “doing” the heart-work of opening, and in the opening, there’s a recognition that it’s time … time to consciously close the writing chapter of this blog. We are all walking each other home, as Ram Dass reminds, and this blog and readers like you, have been lights along my journey. So I’m going to lean back, into the wisdom of my spine, and let the creative muse move me (maybe sideways, as my inner guidance likes to say these days) so I can continue to root, rise, and write my way forward. Thank you for musing along with me.
Read moreThe Season Of The Grandmother
My absolutely favorite candles made by star-reader and flower-whisperer, Jessica Ballad. Check out her intentional creations and astrology offerings for 2024 here ::
Winter is the season of the Crone. So I’m befriending stillness and curling up closer to her fire-lit wisdom, and when I do, I hear the heart-centered counsel of my grandmother Peggy. And she was delightfully right. I should have gone into advertising.
Read moreBegin With What Is Real
Returning to what is real nourishes joy-lit resiliency.
Read moreThe Princess-Like Moon
For Diana, The Princess of Wales, the moon is half-full.
Read moreThe Artistry Of Laundry
Mementos and moments from my freshly laundered adventures abroad.
Read moreTravel Tips
After a month of planes, buses and trains … all I can confidently and sagely advise when it comes to travel is to say … go your own way.
Read moreWilde Travels
Striking a pose with the ever-clever Irish playwright and poet, Oscar Wilde. His memorial statue amusingly lounges in Merrion Square, just across the street from his childhood home in Dublin, Ireland.
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” ~ Oscar Wilde provides the witty prose for my trip abroad.
Read moreOn Tuesdays, I Wear Tutus
Adorn thyself in ease.
Read moreDemocratic Joy
Searching the heavens for a sign of the International Space Station leads to reflections on the cosmic importance of JOY, and how choosing what lights up safeguards freedoms and democracy.
Read moreEarl Grey Ice Cream
My year of REAL begins with mistakes that are not mistakes, an improvisational theatre class for mediums, and a new affair with earl grey ice cream.
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